Functional Movement Assessment

The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SMFA) is a diagnostic system used to assess the quality of your movement. The SFMA uses a series of full-body movements to identify areas of dysfunction that are either the root of your pain or a risk factor for injury.

The Selective Functional Movement Assessment looks at simple every day actions …

including the ability to touch your toes, reach behind your back, or perform a squat. Poor movement is often masked by compensations that develop overtime and daily repetition of this can ultimately result in injury and pain. The SFMA helps Dr Eric identify regions in the body that lack mobility (range of motion), or stability (motor control), allowing for an accurate treatment to restore pain-free function and movement. The SMFA also highlights asymmetries in the body that exist between the left and right side. Asymmetries, such as a left hip that moves well and a right hip that is stiff, are red flags and are significant risk factors for injury.

The Selective Functional Movement Assessment pulls out these subconscious dysfunctional and/or asymmetrical movements to get to the root of the problem. Efficiency in movement is the key to accomplishing your goals. The essence of the SFMA is that the site of your pain may not be the source or cause of your pain. The pain in your knee may be the result of a problem in your hip. The pain in your neck may be the result of an issue in your shoulder. Treating the cause of your pain, and not merely the site, is vital to restoring pain-free movement and function.

Feel better. Move better. Live better.

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